Sunday, October 18, 2009

a star has no intent. a galaxy does not act in order to bring about anything.

if you google "25 years old" the third thing that comes up is a story about a fit and healthy 25 year old collapsing and dying in front of his girlfriend while playing the nintendo wii.

i have told people (like my dad via voicemail) that my life is spinning wildly out of control in just the day i intended it to.

i believe that i have made the 2010 Missoula Oblongata "Reference List of Experts". this is the pinnacle of my punk career.

i've been weighing the merits of various character traits i am pottentially capable of and i think the year 25, in an effort to transition more smoothly from the personal growths i've had in my 24th year, i've been thinking i should focus on working to be more A) HUMBLE and B) CONFIDENT.

travel plans: 3 more weeks in oregon. week in santa fe. 2 and a half weeks in dc. week in santa fe. 3 weeks in central america/southern mexico. week in santa fe? month in mexico. THERE. WILL I STICK TO THIS? MOST LIKELY AT LEAST A LOT OF IT.

i believe we could all gain an inch or two of joy if we'd just every now and again peruse the wikipedia page on "misnomers". . . guinea pigs. not pigs. not from guinea. of course: peanuts (legumes), shooting stars (meteors), iceland (green), and french horns (germany). eggplants. not eggs. tear gas. not a gas (!!!) but a "solid crystalline substance" (again, !!!). In logic, "begging the question" is a type of fallacy occurring in deductive reasoning in which the proposition to be proved is assumed implicitly or explicitly in one of the premises. However, more recently, "begs the question" has been used as a synonym for "raises the question". THE FUNNY BONE IS THE ULNAR NERVE. shit is loco.


after my bout with swine flu i'm feeling like life is totally grabbable. now, which end to grab. . .

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